Training & Events
Initial Certification Training
All volunteer ombudsmen are required to complete certification training. This training involves 26 hours of classroom-style training (in-person or online) and then at least 10 hours of shadowing an ombudsman in the field. Initial certification training can be provided by Regional Ombudsmen or by State of Colorado Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program staff. An ombudsman may not begin working in the field on their own until they are officially certified by the State Ombudsman and have received their badge.
Continuing Certification Training
All certified ombudsmen are required to complete 18 hours of recertification training annually. There are opportunities to obtain recertification training at the annual ombudsman conference, at trainings provided at the regional level and by participating in approved online trainings.
Annual Long-Term Care Ombudsman Conference
Every year all ombudsmen across the state of Colorado are invited to participate in an educational conference. The majority of your continuing certification training can typically be achieved by participating in this conference once a year. The conference is an amazing opportunity to connect with fellow ombudsmen across the state and to learn about topics of critical importance to the work we do.
Coffee & Cases
Grab your cup of coffee or tea and a bite to eat and join us online. Coffee & Cases is an informal, friendly discussion group about cases and situations ombudsmen are encountering while volunteering. Volunteer ombudsmen can receive additional support from the State Volunteer Program Coordinator during these discussions, but challenging scenarios should always be brought to the attention of the Regional Ombudsman. We must also maintain ombudsman standards of confidentiality during these discussions.
These discussions allow an opportunity to learn from one another and to share tips, resources, strategies and more. No one ombudsman can predict or has experienced everything that we may encounter during our work, so it is important for us to have a community and support network available to offer additional assistance. Participation in these events can typically count toward recertification training.
Lunch & Learn
Lunch & Learn sessions are opportunities to continue your education as an ombudsman over a lunch hour. These sessions typically also count toward the required 18 hours of annual recertification training to renew your certification. Lunch & Learn sessions are attended virtually by ombudsmen across the state. Topics might include things such as useful sign language to know when visiting nursing homes and assisted living residences or how to prevent and recognize abuse.