Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program Mentors are experienced ombudsmen who devote a portion of their time toward assisting other ombudsmen in their learning process. Mentors offer peer support and advice based on experience and expertise they have earned while working as an ombudsman.
Mentors may be either paid professional staff or volunteers who have experience working with residents and understand the complex environments and scenarios that exist in this field of work. A mentor is not expected to know every answer, but they do have relevant experience, understanding of the system and can help guide less experienced ombudsmen. Complex and/or challenging situations should always involve working with the Regional Ombudsman rather than a mentor. Examples of situations that should involve a Regional Ombudsman include any situation where a resident is facing a pending discharge from their residence and situations involving abuse, neglect or exploitation.
Please contact Volunteer Program Coordinator Jesse Bond if you would like to become a mentor for other ombudsmen or if you are interested in being assisted by a mentor.
State LTCOP Volunteer Program Coordinator
Phone: 720-925-8609